Aalto C – 2016
Welcome to Aalto University’s massive open online course (MOOC) on C programming!
This course will teach you the basics of the C programming language. There are no special prerequisites, but some previous programming experience will be helpful. Students that have taken the Java MOOC classes offered by mooc.fi are more than well equipped to tackle this course, but the contents of the Java course are not prerequisites.
The course includes comprehensive online materials and plenty of programming exercises, each tested using our automatic testing service Test My Code. If you have previously taken the Java MOOC, then you should be familiar with most of the tools used.
The course is presented to you jointly by the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, and the material is identical to the C programming courses offered by said universities.
The course must be started by 31.8.2016 and current participants may return exercises until 31.12.2016. However, there are no other deadlines so you may progress at your own pace. To proceed from one module to the next one you must get at least 80% of exercise points of the module.
It usually takes 10 - 15 hours for completing each exercise set. However, this greatly depends on previous experience.
Getting started
The course material
After installing the required tools and signing up to the TestMyCode service, you are ready to get started on learning C. Good luck!
Only for enrolled University of Helsinki students
There will be two exam options available:
- Tuesday 30.8. at 17.00 in CK112 (exam time 2,5 h) or
- Friday 9.9. at 16.00 at B123 (exam time 3,5 h).
Please participate to only one of these exams. If you participate to both exams then we will use either the worse answer only or the average of both answers. There will be renewal (make-up) exam available later in the Fall.
Please note, that you need to register for the exam on Friday 9.9. at the latest on Monday 29.8. You are already counted as registered for the Tuesday exam. This makes it possible for us to estimate the amount of printed question papers for both exams.
You are allowed to bring one A4 note sheet with you. A good note sheet contains material you feel valuable for you. It should not just contain random content about the language. Return the note sheet with your answer sheets.
Remember to write your MOOC account name and the period you took the course to your answer sheet. This is especially important if your account name is not your student number.